Surveyors also find estate agents are expecting the slowest growth in rental costs in almost four years
Prosecutors accuse brothers Tal and Oren Alexander of using their wealth and connections to attract women they abused
US investment group had been in exclusive talks to buy office building for about £300mn
London landlord has no major debts due before 2028 after securing £2bn of headroom in transactions this year
Airbus plane was one of several markers of wealth amassed by Hui Ka Yan during now-collapsed developer’s boom years
Barington Capital and investment partner Thor urge measures to revive US department store chain’s flagging share price
Office for National Statistics data highlights property market pressures
Developer hails ‘inflection’ point triggered by government plans for construction boom
The capital is stuck in a rut; digging itself out is not going to be easy — or cheap
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings
Asset managers call for removal of ‘disincentive’ to property spending north of the border
Cost of a typical home rises at fastest rate of annual growth since November 2022
Landlords that fail to meet deadline will face ‘severe penalties’, says housing ministry
Rental costs rose 3% on average compared with 2.6% for households with mortgages
Investors ‘increasingly cautious’ about the asset class
Open facades symbolise a new yearning for transparency
World’s largest real estate investor wants to capitalise on post-pandemic travel boom
Big housebuilders have shed billions in value since October Budget
Concept aims to counter criticism that the platform contributes to housing crises in big tourist destinations
Canadian asset manager agrees to provide equity commitment if landlord cannot pay off bonds
In a strictly inflation-targeting-regime context
Rents soar in October on back of high demand and pre-Budget landlord sales
With Japan’s hotel market booming, now would be a good time for the group to consider selling the Park Hyatt Tokyo
My ex-husband claims he can’t afford the VAT added to our children’s school fees
Rents on Via Monte Napoleone have jumped as tax break schemes lure super-rich