The city is a sushi-lover’s paradise, and the salmon rolls and sashimi punch well above their price
Insider tips on how to keep the magic alive — and avoid the crowds, the cost and the cold
Here are the stories readers loved this week – from Ellie Peugeot’s Paris home to the best food markets in the world
Where to see some of the most beautiful sacred art in the world
Feet-in-the-sand stays in Egypt, California and Indonesia
Rise in demand for travel comes as customers increasingly pay for trips in instalments
A bold new gallery provides a much-needed home for 20th-century Italian art
LVMH’s über-hotel has arrived in the archipelago. The HTSI travel editor checks in
We compare the offering of some leading airlines
The founder of Francis Gallery shares her favourite haunts in her home away from home
The city’s overstretched infrastructure faces its toughest test with an expected influx of Catholic pilgrims
FT writers and editors choose their favourite places to stock up on great local produce
The man at the helm of The Goring, the UK capital’s last family-run high-end stay, shares a surprisingly relaxed protocol . . .
Top tips on authentic places to dine and drink in La Serenissima
Coming to a medieval church, soonish
The Met is on a mission to win over a wider — and younger — audience with a pioneering programme of contemporary works
The fragile ecosystem has been battered by mass tourism and global warming. Could travel become part of the solution?
Katharina Herold’s home has been the backdrop to centuries of ceremonies. She’s brought the same celebratory spirit to its new life as a show space
The fair’s new director Bridget Finn on selling art in a divided US. Plus: interviews with Anastasia Samoylova and Jesse Lee, the private gallery succession question
Contrary to our fantasy, it is not all 35-hour weeks, long holidays and leisurely lunches (well, maybe the latter)
Leather takes centre stage on a tour of the city’s hotspots
A generation of outstanding collectors has filled the city with lively art spaces. But will they outlive their founders?
The island’s drinks are making waves way beyond its shores
Kristian Baumann’s haute mash-up of Korean and Danish cuisine is intense and dazzling
Is the first Danish restaurant to have won three Michelin stars still at the top of its game?