Any notion that the Magnificent Seven had unstoppable momentum received a reality check earlier this year
Insurance entrepreneur dismisses criticism of UK government as ‘hogwash’ following his company’s deal with Nippon Life
Asset manager is spending billions bulking up in fee-rich alternative investing sector
Virtually every other corner of the ETF investment universe was ground into dust by the onward march of Wall St
The asset manager’s acquisition tear makes the leadership succession process more complex
But we can weather downturns better by controlling our own biases
The savings compared with mutual funds was mainly due to tax advantages rather than exchange traded funds’ lower fees
Deputy governor Ramsden says leverage and concentration in certain funds could lead to ‘system-wide risks’
World’s second-biggest asset manager will break advice business into separate unit
Bye-bye, buyout
Plus, an ‘anti-woke’ ETF, a private markets push and the V&A has a Naomi Campbell retrospective
The changing landscape for responsible investment, from Donald Trump’s victory amid a US ‘anti-woke’ backlash to the trouble with ESG data. Plus the global green subsidy race; backing biodiversity; minerals critical to the energy transition; and avoiding modern slavery risk
The rush into private assets, the distorting effects of tech giants, the rise of active ETFs, and more
EU human rights directive adds to US laws on forced labour — but uncertainty surrounds Trump administration’s stance
While managers enjoy greater flexibility, investors are deterred by the lack of a clear remit
Market participants are realising that the flat, low, predictable rates over the past 15 years were an anomaly
But businesses will be tempted to play down sustainability with an incoming president who vows to support fossil fuels
Funds are beginning to target an issue long neglected when compared with sustainability
Many executives believe they are engaged in no less than a fight for survival
Active fund managers often claim the moral high ground, but investors are increasingly choosing passive rivals
Top 10 stocks in the S&P 500 now comprise 37 per cent of index weighting
Global assets have tripled since 2018 as many consider they show greater promise than more traditional mutual funds
Many blame poor information — but campaigners say this is too often used as an excuse for inaction
German and French groups could not find common ground on structure or who would control enlarged firm
Demand from investors is in retreat as the popularity of passive funds and fixed income rises — but loyalists are convinced that opportunities remain