Standards body hit by criticism over forest projects decision
And China’s monetary policy stance
Chief economist Claudio Borio says governments will be ‘too late’ if they wait for investors to panic
Construction equipment group generates most of its profits in North America
London landlord has no major debts due before 2028 after securing £2bn of headroom in transactions this year
US asset manager will join case over decision when UBS took over struggling rival
Banks sell bonds backed by revenues from chicken wings, music catalogues and oil wells
Decisions by the world’s biggest active bond fund manager have potential to trigger valuation changes across markets
The changing landscape for responsible investment, from Donald Trump’s victory amid a US ‘anti-woke’ backlash to the trouble with ESG data. Plus the global green subsidy race; backing biodiversity; minerals critical to the energy transition; and avoiding modern slavery risk
EU human rights directive adds to US laws on forced labour — but uncertainty surrounds Trump administration’s stance
Geopolitics and human rights concerns make lucrative opportunities difficult to access
Market participants are realising that the flat, low, predictable rates over the past 15 years were an anomaly
But businesses will be tempted to play down sustainability with an incoming president who vows to support fossil fuels
Funds are beginning to target an issue long neglected when compared with sustainability
Active fund managers often claim the moral high ground, but investors are increasingly choosing passive rivals
Many blame poor information — but campaigners say this is too often used as an excuse for inaction
Bond giant says euro is vulnerable to further declines amid market ‘optimism’ over impact of Trump presidency
Self-reinforcing market forces are creating demand for Michael Saylor’s ‘lottery ticket’ convertible bonds
Also in today’s newsletter, corporate DEI faces mounting attacks
Swap deal to buy back bonds issued in January comes as African borrowers struggle under expensive debt burdens
Pullback is abrupt reversal from policies that appeared poised to influence corporate ranks
Azoria Partners launches new fund at Donald Trump’s Florida resort
The biggest debt reduction scheme in history?
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings