US activist investor plans to push Japanese company to offload some of its $9bn real estate portfolio
Two big London landlords say portfolio valuations improving as rents rise and rates fall
Policymakers have unveiled a range of stimulus measures to restore confidence in the economy
Number of new properties coming to market is weakest since 2021, driving rent rises, Rics survey finds
Moving to a hybrid hospitality model helped the property business adapt during the pandemic and beyond
Canadian asset manager agrees to sell warehouse assets after triumphing in takeover bid
Owners of historic houses hit out at changes to inheritance tax and national insurance
Pricier mortgages in recent years have a knock-on effect on property transactions
Typical property now costs £293,999, surpassing previous peak set in June 2022
A bank practice known as ‘extend and pretend’ has delayed a write-off reckoning but may hide a growing systemic risk
I fear my wealth will have an impact on any negotiations
From Shanghai to Guangzhou and Beijing to Foshan, buyers and agents voice concerns ahead of next phase of stimulus
Spanish lender takes US private equity group to London’s High Court in dispute over soured property deal
But landlords are buying a lower proportion of properties overall
Levy on second homes and buy-to-lets raised from 3 per cent to 5 per cent
Rachel Reeves also announces £500mn cash boost to promote building of affordable homes
Ventilation group buoyed by new housing regulations
Homeowners rattling around in large houses have been reluctant to move to somewhere smaller, but with a changing landscape and new Labour tax policies — notably inheritance — on the horizon, the mood is changing
Australian pension fund partners with UK property group in bet on asset class hit by higher rates and remote working
Interest rates have peaked and activity in several sectors is picking up, but some fear bad news is still to emerge
Government still has to tackle how commercial incentives limit supply of new homes
Stakebuilding by Palliser Capital follows Elliott Management's move on sector peer Mitsui Fudosan
Buying blockchain-listed ‘slices’ of properties is a nascent, niche and troubled market. Can it find its feet beyond the crypto crowd?
Beijing is trying to restore confidence in economy amid prolonged real estate slowdown
Stringent new regulations on adapting tall buildings are among the new challenges facing those buying a flat