German sportswear giant says long-running investigation unlikely to have ‘any significant financial impact’
Tractors park up in main London thoroughfare in rally opposing government inheritance tax reforms
President-elect pledges to loosen environmental rules for big developers
The savings compared with mutual funds was mainly due to tax advantages rather than exchange traded funds’ lower fees
Wealthiest estates face prospect of higher rates of liability following the Budget
Rise for taxpayers earning more than £100,000 blamed on frozen thresholds and wage inflation
Statistics agency halves GDP growth for 2024 as parliament adopts first part of next year’s budget
Labour’s biggest problem remains its promises on income tax, value added tax and national insurance
Country’s independent fiscal watchdog calls for Norwegian-style approach to saving surplus cash
Call comes amid discontent with Germany’s ruling coalition ahead of snap election in February
I’m worried about the new rules that mean my pension is subject to inheritance tax
Asset managers call for removal of ‘disincentive’ to property spending north of the border
Retail tycoon pursues tax authority in court case for failing to hand over personal information
Country’s fiscal bonanza at risk from US president-elect’s pledge to match low corporation tax rate
Labour needs employers and wealth creators to propel its ambitions for growth
Parliament passes central bank reform that will set up a new monetary policy board
Quadrature Capital partners may face lower bill from arrangement compared with dividends, say experts
We are currently fighting over our late mother’s will - and it’s getting nasty between us
Even allies of the UK prime minister, whose approval ratings have collapsed, say he needs to raise his game — and quickly
Anyone leaving before April 2025 will become exempt from inheritance tax after three years
Chancellor defends her Budget at CBI conference, saying revenue-raising measures were necessary
AJ Bell boss tells chancellor that ‘complex and costly’ Budget proposal will ‘undermine’ retirement savings system
Budget measure allows anyone staying abroad for 10 years to avoid death duties on global wealth
Chancellor will taper relief for thousands of shops, pubs and restaurants over next two years
Savers have put £250mn in VCTs since April, up 27% in a year