Experts say councils may be given too much time to produce local plans that permit increased development
Office for National Statistics data highlights property market pressures
Housing secretary Angela Rayner says ministers will be ‘grasping the nettle’ in system overhaul
Developer hails ‘inflection’ point triggered by government plans for construction boom
Landlords that fail to meet deadline will face ‘severe penalties’, says housing ministry
Meeting target will be ‘more difficult than we expected’ because of supply downturn, Matthew Pennycook says
Industry demands clear guidance and fixed timeframes as concerns over delays to heating reforms mount
UK housebuilder blames ‘insufficient management capability’ and ‘poor divisional culture’ for underestimating costs
Government still has to tackle how commercial incentives limit supply of new homes
US asset manager has become largest shareholder in UK’s biggest brickmaker
Government will say developers must start work on unsafe tower blocks within 18 months
FTSE 100 group says earnings will be down almost a fifth because of building cost underestimates
Michael Lyons says potential locations for housing developments will be identified next summer
Leader of Tory-led Wiltshire council says ‘more carrots and sticks’ are needed
Long-delayed overhaul of Earl's Court exhibition site edges closer as ministers try to unlock ‘stalled’ projects
Partnership aimed at developing large-scale projects
Report says £644mn needed to clear backlogs and start building
Labour government is reforming planning rules in bid to boost housing supply over next five years
Crest Nicholson shares plunge in latest blow to struggling developer
Experts warn that public backing for development is essential in new government’s bid to end housing crisis
Councils will not be able to reject developments on grounds of being ‘out of character’
Overhaul includes restoration of mandatory housing targets and relaxation of greenbelt rules
Retailer will create 320 rental flats and 30 affordable homes in initial project
The town faces the same Nimbyism and conflicting attitudes towards the greenbelt that stifle much of the national debate
Property industry claims ‘nutrient neutrality’ regulations have halted construction of tens of thousands of homes