London landlord has no major debts due before 2028 after securing £2bn of headroom in transactions this year
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings
Canadian asset manager agrees to provide equity commitment if landlord cannot pay off bonds
Tenants are deserting the area and moving back to the City of London — it must transform to survive
London office owner faces refinancing risks on debts due next year, rating agency says
East London landlord needs to refinance £350mn bond amid a difficult backdrop
Plus, Reckitt splits itself up following shareholder demands and Lex Greensill goes up against the FT
A host of buildings will require renovations to attract new tenants as major occupants depart
Financial district has to repurpose monolithic building as anchor tenant prepares to quit in 2027
Driving force behind London’s second financial district to be replaced by Nigel Wilson
Developers seem to be adopting a ‘build it and they will come’ approach
Docklands financial estate secures backing from lenders for £550mn debt deal against backdrop of falling valuations
Plus, one UK local council gets wooed by a Monaco hedge fund and Rodolphe Saadé leans into building a media empire
Tenancy renewal is boost for financial centre hit by string of high-profile tenant departures
Rating agency’s decision to leave Docklands office for City of London marks latest exit by financial tenant
Chancellor announces £242mn for new homes and life sciences in east London financial district and Barking
The property developer on conjuring a financial district from London’s derelict docklands — and why working from home is overrated
Brookfield and Qatar Investment Authority put fresh capital into east London centre amid waning demand for office space
A moated, gated, privatised space divided from the rest of London may have had its day
HSBC’s decision to leave underlines London financial district’s need to reinvent itself again
Bank’s departure is latest blow to the east London financial district that rose in the wake of Thatcher’s ‘Big Bang’ reforms
Expected relocation to smaller office underscores trend of companies cutting space following rise in homeworking
Owners of east London site submit application for new 23-storey life sciences campus
Each duplex penthouse at One Park Drive is uniquely configured to maximise its aspect and position within the building
Landlord wants to set up life sciences cluster in east London after pandemic dents office appeal