First-time contribution shows social media platform and its chief are trying to mend relations with president-elect
Plus, the $25bn supermarket fight kicks off and private equity strikes its first two deals for a piece of the US National Football League
A court ruling that rejected an attempt to overhaul the family trust leaves Rupert Murdoch and his children at odds
Decision says SEC should not have signed off on directive requiring listed companies to meet certain criteria
US carmaker is abandoning self-driving cabs in a sop to its nervous passengers
Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills are the first US football franchises to strike deals with powerful Wall Street funds
US department store chain says worker ‘falsified documentation’
Prosecutors accuse brothers Tal and Oren Alexander of using their wealth and connections to attract women they abused
Financier entered world of high-stakes buyouts after first making his name as a lawyer and preservationist
Across the US, pharmacies are fighting for survival, with prescription drug margins being squeezed
Elon Musk’s space company capitalises on ‘Trump bump’ fuelling investor demand
Cyber attack having ‘material impact’ on operations, company says in SEC filing
Energy supermajor’s bet on production comes after US rival Chevron announced cut to capital expenditure
Tech group unveils Gemini upgrades as it battles Apple and OpenAI in making practical AI assistants for the masses
US grocery chains cancel proposed deal after judge warns of harm to consumers and workers
Takeover battle between private equity firms could trigger wave of aggressive dealmaking in Tokyo
Bid for Alex Jones’s conspiracy news site rejected by Texas bankruptcy judge
Rival companies are racing to create lucrative applications from cutting-edge technology
Asset manager is spending billions bulking up in fee-rich alternative investing sector
Wall Street strategists forecast S&P 500 will rise 8% by end of next year after big 2024 gains
Founder of ICAP claims boosting chief executives’ salaries would help London’s competitiveness
The asset manager’s acquisition tear makes the leadership succession process more complex
Private equity group likely to drop out of consortium with TPG exploring bid for eyecare group
Country’s two biggest supermarket operators suffer a potentially fatal blow in their efforts to consolidate
Potential deal highlights mounting distress facing the retail pharmacy industry