A court ruling that rejected an attempt to overhaul the family trust leaves Rupert Murdoch and his children at odds
I would like to pass my business to my eldest son
Media mogul’s attempt to put control of his news empire in son Lachlan’s hands is rejected by Nevada court
Prince Harry’s lawsuit against media publisher set for trial next year after ‘dramatic reduction’ of outstanding legal claims
Republican candidate says Fox News should not run negative ads about him before November 5 vote
Australian property listings group chief says offer for UK rival is a ‘compelling proposition’
Revised offer for property listings group follows dismissal of initial approach as ‘opportunistic’
Plus, the Nevada court battle over the future of Rupert Murdoch’s empire and how a corporate lawyer won gold at the Paralympics
The tycoon’s attempt to wrest control of his empire away from three of his children is set to be resolved in a Nevada court
Property listings company rebuffs initial approach from company controlled by News Corp
Family shareholdings at media conglomerate under fresh scrutiny as Rupert Murdoch seeks to transfer power to son
‘Gray Lady’ provides both an example and a cautionary tale for News Corp share structure
Why getting generational handovers right matters to more than just the family
Court to decide whether patriarch’s move to hand power to his oldest son is in good faith
93-year-old media mogul’s influence has been tested in elections on three continents
When it comes to love, what cosy webs billionaires do weave
Media tycoon weds molecular biologist Elena Zhukova at his Bel Air vineyard
Court also rejects amendment to expand case to add allegations that Duchess of Sussex was also targeted
With court action still ongoing, the media group’s bill for the scandal has now reached about £1bn in settlements and legal costs
A network emblematic of the American right has forged a delicate new relationship with the former president
Alleged victims of phone hacking claim media tycoon was aware of wrongdoing at UK newspapers
JT Rogers’ new play in New York is a breathless account of a complex story
Studios being repurposed to provide online video content for wider News UK titles
Outspoken presenter is moving his ‘Uncensored’ show from TalkTV to YouTube
As the new chair completes his takeover, he must contend with unresolved claims hanging over the media company