The impact investing market has been growing rapidly. Whether its tools and techniques can be applied more broadly remains to be seen
Local stocks will have to price in a higher political risk premium to keep investors onboard
Won flat and Korean stocks fall 1.4% as central bank says it is keeping all options open until situation stabilises
Cozzie livs? More like cozzie levs
Tokens based on online viral moments outpace bitcoin over past month but critics say they reflect market froth
Deal is latest move by chief Larry Fink to accelerate group’s expansion into alternative assets
(for everyone except the lawyers, naturally)
A European vibe shift?
Manager claims to be first to offer strategy in a money market fund-regulated actively managed ETF in Europe
Financial Conduct Authority values disclosure over ‘corporate behaviour’, says Nikhil Rathi
Markets hate uncertainty and the stakes in the current constitutional turmoil could not be higher
Smaller lenders pile into 10-year debt as they seek secure assets
Market Questions is the FT’s guide to the week ahead
Despite massive fundraising plans, the stock is up 450% this year, valuing the company at about $90bn
Deflation fuels ‘inexorable’ slide in China’s long-term sovereign bond yields below Japan’s for the first time
The convergence of French yields with Greece’s is a reality check
Investors fear dispute over planned tax rises and spending cuts could topple Michel Barnier’s government
Also in this newsletter: Ireland goes to the polls
Alibaba and Ping An among corporates attracted to cheaper form of financing
Conservatives also target Vanguard and State Street in war on ‘woke capitalism’
Paris’s cost of borrowing relative to Germany reaches highest level since Eurozone crisis in 2012
Plus, Walmart becomes the biggest company to drop DEI commitments
Agreement with bondholders expected to bring two-year restructuring saga to a close
US bond yields drop as hedge fund manager nominated for top economic position
Joint venture for pipeline stakes is latest example of companies using private capital firms for balance sheet relief