Plus: a new fair for Dallas; Hong Kong gets expert adviser; and five-star ratings for London’s Airbnb pop-up
New York exhibition subtitled ‘Artists and the Body’ has breasts, curves and sutured wounds — but barely any men
Here are the stories readers loved this week – from Ellie Peugeot’s Paris home to the best food markets in the world
Where to see some of the most beautiful sacred art in the world
A bold new gallery provides a much-needed home for 20th-century Italian art
The founder of the eponymous shop on postcards, litter picking and the joy of being naked
Anti-apartheid photographer gets his due; steady sales at Art Basel Miami Beach; momentum builds for Miami artist
The artist’s pictures reflect tensions between generations in taste and values
Increasingly given as presents, these commissions tell stories by building a family’s memories, secrets and in-jokes into their foundations
The intertwining lives of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael play out in re-enactments starring Charles Dance
Coming to a medieval church, soonish
A good community is the perfect place in which to confirm, refine or transform our individual perspectives
From Billie Zangewa’s tender collages at the Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum to Joel Meyerowitz’s vibrant colour photography at NSU Art Museum
Commissioner supports local artists while galvanising would-be art patrons
A society photographer shares her secrets
The artist’s ‘Stony the Road’ series reveals traces of a history many would have us forget. It is, Bey says, an act of resistance
In her lifetime, her work was widely exhibited — including by Picasso in 1967 — but it has been neglected since. Now she is finding a new audience and a new market
The best tables, shopping and shows for the festive season
Katharina Herold’s home has been the backdrop to centuries of ceremonies. She’s brought the same celebratory spirit to its new life as a show space
The American artist on telling women’s stories in abstract form, her practice as a form of religion and why she is ‘not a feminist painter’
In a politically divided US, the city’s landmark fair focuses on climate change, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration and feminism
By turns seductive and sinister, the artist’s images of the Sunshine State offer a disorienting view of the US today
The former entomologist talks about his new ‘Book of Games’, a typically mischievous volume of pranks and diversions
A generation of outstanding collectors has filled the city with lively art spaces. But will they outlive their founders?
Early computer art shows the creative possibilities of the marriage of man and machine