‘Altermagnetism’ discovery could deliver ‘thousand-fold increase’ in memory and speed of computing components
Research intensifies debate over health risks of mass-produced goods made more palatable for consumers
Scientific research into how plastics affect the body is in its early days
Effort to understand cellular functions promises to unlock crucial information about personal health
Genetic code technique for preserving huge amounts of digital information could be ‘cheaper than hard drives’
Tight finances made worse by bill to rejoin EU programme Horizon
Proof-of-concept funding is alarmingly scarce but can drive up the success rate of innovative ideas
Artificial intelligence used to help researchers plan experiments and better predict outcomes
The next stage in the war on cancer may be enlisting patients’ own blood cells to fight the disease
Deng-Carter pact risks unravelling, with co-ordination limited to specific areas of research
Academics who publish research with many co-authors are less likely to receive tenure or grants
Boreal forest blazes are being fuelled by warmer and drier conditions across Russia, Canada and the northern US
Letter to prime minister seeks boost for new science and tech ‘supercluster’ after plans stalled under previous government
Monarch’s property portfolio to invest £1.5bn in innovation and technology sector to help UK hold on to start-ups
Clinical study shows better hand and arm function after using non-invasive device to stimulate spinal cord
So-called FLiRT strains set to test effectiveness of vaccines against latest mutations
A synthesis of biology, data science and sociology — aided by artificial intelligence — is creating a pipeline of innovative treatments
Technique devised for Timothy syndrome could open way to therapies for other untreatable conditions
Deputy PM says government will examine new curbs around technology sharing and call in vice-chancellors
Nobel Prize winner saw his work confirmed by experiments at the Cern particle accelerator
Patients who took Sanofi’s lixisenatide experienced no worsening of motor symptoms
UK backs top physicist who supports €16bn expansion plan to probe the Higgs boson
Scientists alarmed about consistent off-the-charts increase in sea temperatures since March 2023
Researchers use machine learning to discover that ‘junk DNA’ may play pivotal role in development of tumours
Co-operation that could strengthen People’s Liberation Army has become increasingly sensitive political issue in UK