In this monthly series, running alongside our existing Tech Exchange dialogues, FT journalists talk to the scientists, developers and business leaders exploring ever more applications for artificial intelligence, in every aspect of our lives
International collaboration plotted 149 metres of biological wiring in fruit fly
Computer interface technology promises a ‘smart pacemaker’ to help sufferers of the motor disease
Patients in Manchester will take part in first study using ‘wonder material’ that was discovered in the city
Neurotech advance gives patients in MIT study walking speed and control closer to people who had not lost limbs
Radical advances in neurotechnology are helping disabled people walk and could provide the link between human and artificial intelligence
Clinical study shows better hand and arm function after using non-invasive device to stimulate spinal cord
Technique devised for Timothy syndrome could open way to therapies for other untreatable conditions
Cases connected to growth hormone extracted from cadavers show disease’s parallels with CJD brain disorder
Scientists are eavesdropping on animal conversations. Will generative AI enable us to talk back?
Expanded genetic profiling could lead to breakthroughs in diagnosis and therapy for common tumours, landmark global study finds
Focused adoption will follow this year’s fun experimentation
Organoid helps system recognise speech and solve maths problems showing potential of neuromorphic technology
Findings could boost development of medical technology such as brain-machine interfaces
US businesses are tightening their belts, but Amex is bolstered by its affluent customer base
Scientists use electrodes and AI programs to turn thoughts into speech via a lifelike avatar
‘Another Brick in the Wall’ study could help people with severe neurological damage to communicate
Manipulation of brain signals advancing so fast it threatens human rights, warns UN body
Information Commissioner’s Office calls for new regulation to avoid ethical breaches over handling of brain data
Who has access to our brain data, and what they’re doing with it, should concern us all
The attractions are huge, assuming ethicists are on board and hold sway
Ethics need to be wired into a device’s initial design rather than added later as an afterthought
Advances in brain science and technology needed to tackle diseases of the elderly