Bye-bye, buyout
‘Hugely embarrassing’ recalculation puts schemes at a deficit of just over £130bn in 2023
Survey showing demand for private equity and credit comes amid warnings over rapid growth of the sector
Half of those questioned in survey said they cannot afford to save enough for retirement
Regulator to change approach to focus on systemic risk as consolidation increases
Ministers have argued higher fund allocations to private equity and infrastructure would generate better returns
Further measures may be taken if ‘megafund’ reforms fail to boost domestic investment, says pensions minister
Proposals expected to lead to rapid consolidation of workplace retirement schemes and reallocation of assets
If the UK chancellor believes in the benefits of scale, it is not obvious why 8 is the magic number
Chancellor is trying to remove some of the inefficiencies from operating smaller local authority funds
The case for consolidating the UK’s sprawling pension arsenal is strong
Chancellor to target minimum size for multiemployer defined contribution schemes of £25bn to £50bn
Chancellor to set out reform to fragmented local authority funds in Mansion House speech
Alastair King takes office in the Square Mile on Friday and says measure necessary to boost stock market
But there are several tools you can use to cut an IHT bill
Experts say big tax bills could result from Rachel Reeves’ move in the Budget
£31bn sitting in unclaimed, inactive or lost savings pots
Bonds, traditionally seen as safe assets for pension pots, have been subject to huge fluctuations in recent years
Institutional iShares assets under management have been growing at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 30% in the region, according to BlackRock
Industry concerned at possibility of having to buy lower-quality assets at unattractive prices
New look reflects increased digital focus, says insurer
Intergenerational risk-sharing is a much-touted myth
Asset manager suggests a national lifetime savings plan
Members would participate in pooled plans and be offered target returns, but payouts are not fixed
Analysts lay out the range of options at the chancellor’s disposal as Starmer warns of ‘decisions’ on the horizon