New chief says QIA will deploy cash ‘more aggressively’ as it conducts investment review ahead of huge influx
Docklands landlord faces higher debt costs and a challenging backdrop for office buildings
QIA to hold 30% of racing venture that has taken over Sauber as Gulf interest in sport grows
QIA has been reducing its holding in the UK supermarket chain since 2021
Franco-Israeli billionaire under pressure to sell assets to pay down Altice debt
Sovereign funds from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are making deals in rare bright spot for region
Sovereign wealth fund makes move amid pressure on bank to improve its performance
Bet on country’s growing middle class values Mukesh Ambani’s shopping company at $100bn
QIA considers investing in Reliance as Indian conglomerate looks to expand consumer businesses
Sovereign wealth fund invests $200mn in US sports franchise owner Monumental Sports
Bank under pressure to keep staff happy following combination with Credit Suisse
Plus, a Chinese blockbuster IPO poses a $9bn dilemma for western banks and the succession question plaguing Italy’s fashion houses
Cash-strapped authorities hope to stimulate economic development post-pandemic
Move comes as two big US investors sell down their shares in the Swiss lender
UK capital transport authority acted on concerns about World Cup host’s stance on LGBT+ rights and migrant workers
The investment should be manna from heaven for the Swiss lender
Deal will see up to a quarter of the Swiss bank being owned by Middle Eastern investors
Target set for end of the month or beginning of October but timing and structure are causing investor concern
Sovereign fund to back vehicle seeking opportunities in media and consumer technology
Sovereign fund to take 10% stake in project that is part of UK push for net zero carbon emissions by 2050
Governance overhaul comes as French billionaires jostle for influence
US asset manager and sovereign wealth funds commit to listing that could value discount retailer at more than $8bn
Third-largest shareholder in French company backs Vivendi and Amber over board seats
Retailer targets £4.5bn valuation that would make it UK’s biggest listing this year
Finance minister says QIA aims to identify opportunities as asset prices plunge