Former president will dump defectors to his upstart party, says Economic Freedom Fighters leader
Politicians and campaigners say penalty is insufficient as country struggles with corruption
Deferred prosecution agreement covers corruption scandal involving state-owned companies during Zuma presidency
Court seeks to halt blockade on abandoned Stilfontein mine over concerns that hundreds hidden underground are at risk
Lower GDP projection comes despite coalition’s charm offensive to win over foreign investors
Cyril Ramaphosa angered the ANC’s largest coalition partner by calling Vladimir Putin a ‘valued friend’
Labels known for season-specific products are finding ways to expand into year-round offerings
Unity government led by ANC and Democratic Alliance works to resolve tensions as it passes 100-day milestone
Tito Mboweni served as labour minister in Nelson Mandela’s first cabinet
Ten years ago, the architectural and interior designer wrote a piece for this paper extolling the virtues of renting. But he broke his own rules — and is now on the road to home ownership
Coalition government is seeking more foreign investment in energy, water and infrastructure
South African activist campaigned against failings of Jacob Zuma’s administration
Transport executive takes to courts to force action against organised crime’s hold on country’s economy
Institution relied on by millions will be put into liquidation unless it receives a government bailout by the end of next month
Energy minister says government could have done more to make offshore discovery commercially viable
Months of internal tensions come to a head with exit of powerful deputy leader to left-wing rival
Resignation exacerbates leadership crisis for South African city run by eight mayors since 2019
Coalition’s relatively smooth start raises hopes that the two main parties can work together in the longer term
Isis Hainsworth’s performance makes the adaptation of Amy Liptrot’s memoir soar
Eskom chief says repurposing of coal plant created an ‘atomic bomb scenario’ for local jobs
Presence of pro-market Democratic Alliance in president’s coalition government is fuelling business optimism
Failure by municipalities to pay debts worth billions of rand risks thwarting company’s recovery efforts, utility chief says
Radical politician named as recipient of bribes in affidavit from former head of collapsed bank
State-owned utility manages 100 days without power cuts
Pro-market Democratic Alliance takes six ministerial posts in unity government after fraught negotiations