Politicians and campaigners say penalty is insufficient as country struggles with corruption
Deferred prosecution agreement covers corruption scandal involving state-owned companies during Zuma presidency
Payment would significantly raise cost to firm of its past work for opioid makers
Sectors like semiconductors and AI can reshape — or, in some cases, conjure up entirely new — markets
US officials request investigation into whether consultancy breached rules for Pentagon contracts
One in 10 Europeans is from a minority background and they form an ambitious talent pool
When concerns about high prices prompted shoppers to look around, many liked what they saw
Penalty shows how chief executive Jane Fraser is struggling to resolve chronic issues plaguing the bank
The tailwind of freakishly loose monetary policy is now over
New York judge dismisses six-year old legal action accusing consulting firm of conflicts of interest in bankruptcy cases
Court case to test the issue as move to more corporate structure raises another question: should the firm go public?
Disruption is coming to bite the industry that made a cult of it
Consider its scale, scope and speed
Grand jury set up to hear evidence on consulting for drugmakers tied to addiction epidemic
McKinsey’s mid-year reviews are the latest attempt to increase ‘attrition’
Secondment marks first move by telecoms group’s new CEO Allison Kirkby in her turnaround push
As clients get better at figuring out their own strategies, consultancies must get into the nitty gritty to add value
New entrants including tech-focused traders and hedge funds helped drive unexpected increase in earnings
US lawmakers are unhappy with McKinsey for leading a think-tank that advised China on tech
Also in today’s newsletter, Shein considers London listing and China’s Shenzhen rolls out plan to boost car exports
Consultancy says marketing claims were ‘inaccurate’ and it has never worked for Beijing
Senators say think-tank led by consultancy undermined national security by advising China’s government
Urban China Initiative counselled Beijing on cutting-edge technologies in preparation of Five-Year Plan
Senators assail consultants for helping Riyadh use ‘soft power’ to build influence in the US
Managing partner’s narrow win exposes doubts about his tenure as consultancy has grown