Study shows it’s possible to increase capacity from 1,800 travellers an hour to nearly 5,000, says HS1
Chief executive Chris Weston says utility focused on raising debt and equity to help avert cash crunch
Price of extending high-speed rail line into central London set out in confidential government documents
Embattled regulator for England and Wales faces accusation of conflict of interest
Housing secretary Angela Rayner says ministers will be ‘grasping the nettle’ in system overhaul
Toshiaki Higashihara says jobs at Newton Aycliffe site near Durham cannot be guaranteed without increased demand
UK investor is teaming up with French group as part of a bid for control of troubled utility
The city’s overstretched infrastructure faces its toughest test with an expected influx of Catholic pilgrims
Next companies to return to public control will be c2c and Greater Anglia under UK government plans
Deal is latest move by chief Larry Fink to accelerate group’s expansion into alternative assets
Bringing franchises into public ownership is risky given some routes are just harder to run well and face legacy issues
African allies concerned incoming Trump administration will take stronger line on trade and security ‘reciprocity’
Property prices surge as 19,000 homes are left on hold due to lack of wastewater services
Move by Labour government will trigger a wave of state takeovers in the struggling, cash-strapped sector
Kenya’s reversal of support for airport project underlines global ramifications of US indictment
West Worcestershire MP urges Environment Agency to expedite permanent scheme as storm causes damage across country
Billionaire Trump ally had clashed with Brasília this year over alleged misinformation on X
Well-planned investable projects are in short supply
UK’s largest train operator outside London has breached its contract three times this year due to cancellations
Richard Branson’s Virgin Group is among challengers seeking to offer new rail service between UK and European mainland
The net zero transition gives the region’s port a historic chance to grow if territorial tensions ease
Hungary has captured more than a quarter of Chinese capital flowing into Europe since 2022
Mooted £3bn loan will hit customers and drain troubled utility’s resources, warn experts
Chancellor is trying to remove some of the inefficiencies from operating smaller local authority funds
Data suggests that the long-term drag on health service delivery may be finally lifting