Lately, China’s economy has been in the doldrums, with the risk of a “deflationary spiral” lurking. Plus, toss in the election of Donald Trump in the US — and reaching the economic goals President Xi Jinping set more than a decade ago looks even more difficult. The FT’s China bureau chief Joe Leahy examines Beijing’s latest plans to fix the country’s economy and whether it will be enough to keep up with Xi’s long-term plans for growth.

Clips from Bloomberg, CBS, Yahoo Finance

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For further reading:

Why Xi Jinping changed his mind on China’s fiscal stimulus

Why China is betting on local governments to spur the economy

If China’s statistics can’t be scrutinised, doubts about the economy will only grow

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On X, follow Joe Leahy (@leahyjoseph) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07), or follow Michela on LinkedIn for updates about the show and more.

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