There is something narrow-minded about criticising a British politician for being ‘America-brained’
Dieter Helm warns biggest water utility risks a ‘slow death’ that could spread to other companies
Frozen public sector wages and tax thresholds create unhelpful incentives, leading to recruitment woes on Whitehall
We can draw important lessons from the UK’s varied experience
Housing secretary Angela Rayner says ministers will be ‘grasping the nettle’ in system overhaul
Financial backer of landmark case complains £200mn deal ‘too low’, as other large companies face wave of claims
Requirement among red lines drawn up by Brussels ahead of 2025 negotiations
UK chancellor will promise to fully honour post-Brexit deals in meeting with bloc’s finance ministers
Ministers told to make their case for money from tight public funds
A total of six people were stripped of their awards by the King
Christopher Harborne wanted to avoid perception that party only had one big supporter, according to messages
PM speech may herald a Starmerite era of public sector reform mirroring that of Tony Blair, but it faces economic challenges
Britain’s illness-related inactivity crisis looks increasingly like a mirage
Wealthiest estates face prospect of higher rates of liability following the Budget
Growth that does not make working people better off is pointless
Focus on services may mean Britain does not face ire of incoming US president, business secretary tells FT summit
Targets aimed at showing voters that government is on track vary wildly in ambition, experts say
In a live event of the show, the team reviews Labour’s first five months
Political veterans including Labour MP Emily Thornberry and ousted Tory mayor Andy Street to receive gongs
Permission from housing secretary to knock down art deco building in central London caps lengthy battle by retailer
Labour’s obsession with winning the next election is distorting government
Survey finds 54% of companies plan to raise prices in 2025 after national insurance increase
PM also redefines economic growth goals as he sets out ‘milestones’ for government
Labour’s biggest problem remains its promises on income tax, value added tax and national insurance
More than 180 authors and publishers warn that writers of colours are under-represented in school curriculum