Procurement specialists say market for ‘framework agreements’ is insufficiently regulated and raises cost to taxpayer
Local authorities still affected by financial crisis and expect further cuts by next government
Negotiations with public body chaired by Lord Ben Houchen come after government review said plan was ‘not now being pursued’
Landlords face hit to their rents from scheme that seeks to deal with blight of boarded-up high streets
But John Cotton says fairer deal for local government is needed to protect social fabric of UK’s second city
Grant Thornton restricted from reviewing part of local authority’s books
City councillors say inflated ‘worst-case’ estimate has been used to justify major cuts and asset sales in local authority
Dwindling funds fuel disenchantment in cash-strapped West Midlands borough of Dudley
Lee Robinson’s expertise was ‘like having Lionel Messi on your team’. Now his relationship with Warrington is under scrutiny
Urban wealth funds could invest in valuable civic assets rather than councils having to sell them off
Plea from angry residents for investigation denied, preventing wider probe into England’s local authority funding crisis
Senior Labour MP warns that more local authorities will go bust unless extra money is found after next election
Northern areas among those hit hardest as analysts challenge ‘regressive’ levy amid local authority funding pressures
No ‘compelling’ examples of delivery on the ground, finds public accounts committee
Chancellor not extending letting English local authorities keep 100% of proceeds from Right to Buy
As local authority funding crisis deepens, town halls prepare to sell off land and buildings worth millions of pounds
Innocent citizens will be paying a lot more for a lot less, but in Brum, being down is not the same as being out
Town hall forced to sell £750mn of assets with steep cuts to public services in bid to tackle funding crisis
Government audit proposals come as concern mounts about financial health and oversight of councils
Plight of London’s most populous borough offers a glimpse into what other cash-strapped councils can expect
Additional government funding earmarked for social care as town halls face growing threat of insolvency
Local authorities demand urgent increase to ‘housing benefit subsidy’ at emergency Westminster meeting
Local authorities turn to council tax, grants and even heir hunters to get vacant properties back in use
Local government officials call on ministers and industry to help pay for high costs of migration away from analogue products
Local authority racked up debts of £1.3bn and faces losses of £275mn from investments