Further measures may be taken if ‘megafund’ reforms fail to boost domestic investment, says pensions minister
If the UK chancellor believes in the benefits of scale, it is not obvious why 8 is the magic number
Chancellor is trying to remove some of the inefficiencies from operating smaller local authority funds
Chancellor to target minimum size for multiemployer defined contribution schemes of £25bn to £50bn
Reeves’ Mansion House speech will push for faster integration of council retirement schemes
Chancellor to set out reform to fragmented local authority funds in Mansion House speech
Bulking up should allow funds to invest in wider range of UK assets, but progress towards consolidation has been slow
And we have the charts to prove it
Market forces get a say in United Learning’s scheme but there could be unintended consequences
Treasury launches review of Britain’s pensions system with threat to force local governments to co-operate
New bill tackles some pressing issues but much more reform is needed
Calpers concerned oil supermajor is seeking to muzzle activist shareholders
Happy Gilmore
John Armitt says pension schemes need to ‘find the best possible opportunity’
Asset-backing these promises could lift investment and growth
Proposal is one of several measures aimed at unlocking billions of pounds to stimulate UK economic growth
King’s Speech on Tuesday did not include legislation to push Jeremy Hunt’s plan to boost pension investment
What’s the outlook for financing your retirement? FT readers and our expert panel debate the most pressing issues
Canadian pension fund agrees to buy holding from Caledonia Investments in roughly £450mn deal
British politics is stuck as long as spending cuts and further government borrowing are off the table
Vote paves way for Netherlands to move to a ‘defined contribution’ model by 2028
Scheme increases allocation to commercial real estate despite investor worries over sector
Local authority fund CIO says government ambitions may conflict with duty to scheme members
Even if there is, suitable infrastructure projects to invest in are lacking
Much-flagged government initiative at risk as retirement funds wary of illiquid assets