‘Hugely embarrassing’ recalculation puts schemes at a deficit of just over £130bn in 2023
Bonds, traditionally seen as safe assets for pension pots, have been subject to huge fluctuations in recent years
Possible Budget changes would widen the gulf between public and private sector pension schemes
Insurers are receiving a very handsome reward for such a low-risk business
Sir Douglas Flint joins calls to boost personal finance teaching in schools
With interest rates higher, many schemes are moving out of deficit, which could feed through to share prices
Gender gap persists as one in 10 women say they are cutting pension contributions to fund essential expenses
Fiddling with pensions taxation could blight the retirement prospects of millions
As energy bills rise, bolder reforms are needed to identify the 880,000 households missing out on pension credit
Industry warns on pensions bill’s missed opportunity on minimum contributions
More employers pause buyout plans with insurers after improvements to scheme funding positions
There is a strong case for improving the pensions of the existing workforce
Universities Superannuation Scheme owns 20% stake in troubled utility that is in effect worthless
Commons committee calls on government and regulator to change tack over where retirement schemes can invest
Thousands of people due to gain from transfer of scheme to ‘superfund’ operator Clara
Minister makes no commitment to when measures that received cross-party support will be rolled out
Schemes increase exposure in wake of 2022 gilts market crisis and as they prepare for buyout deals
Schemes registered a new quarter drop in asset value in 2022 driven by mini-Budget turmoil, finds Pensions Regulator
Plight of savers in their 50s and 60s is wake-up call for greater pensions awareness
Higher interest rates continue to fuel surge in dealmaking, according to new forecast
Trustees will be prevented from making risky decisions if proposals go ahead
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Chancellor’s move is part of range of measures aimed at channelling retirement fund investment to boost economic growth
The arcane world of pension valuations could be set to move into the spotlight
Move provides alternative way for employers to offload weaker retirement programmes