Putin is in no hurry to negotiate the end of conflict in Ukraine
Bulgaria is suffering from political long Covid — and the rest of Europe is at risk
Comparisons with the last days of the Soviet Union are revealing
Parties of the far right are set to prosper, but will also face challenges of their own
Populists returning to power come armed with a list of enemies, not policy choices
A singular book on identity politics that neither condemns nor embraces it but brings order to a world not at ease with itself
Nato membership will be essential to any negotiated end to the war with Russia
But defeat for the Hungarian premier on Ukraine’s future membership shows his ability to disrupt could be waning
New polling suggests western public opinion is not convinced that this is a winnable war
How a popular board game that pits two teams against one another has lessons for democracies
The Russian president has come to fear his elites as much as they fear him
Putin’s war on Ukraine exposes not only a rift between Russia and the west, but also divisions within eastern Europe
In an ideal world, electoral politics should cool passions, not inflame them
Indifference to Putin’s aggression in Ukraine has left western analysts flummoxed
US, Russian and Ukrainian presidential contests in 2024 could be as important as events on the battlefield
Regionally strong countries such as Turkey share a determination to be at the table rather than on the menu
Kyiv’s military successes have forced the Russian president into making choices he wished to avoid
Failure is most evident in the Balkans, ill-suited to political models devised in western Europe
The assault on Ukraine is causing a sharp cultural break with the west that may last far into the future
Treating the entire country as a geopolitical Chernobyl would be a strategic blunder
It would be a historic mistake to assume that autocracy is destiny in Moscow
The Belarus border crisis shows that the EU’s biggest fear is the return of anti-migrant rightwing populism
Not only do Poland and Hungary lose an ally but for them, Joe Biden’s US is a threat
The Pope, Ivan Krastev and Fareed Zakaria on processing the pandemic
Victory for Joe Biden in November would empower liberals in former Habsburg lands