We are now a tribe, turbo-charged by friendship — and a lot of righteous anger
This year we celebrate the women remaking the world we live in today
We asked you to nominate those who have shaped this year — here are the names you picked
Do male midlife challenges bear comparison with those experienced by women?
After decades of earning more than heterosexual women, the gap seems to be shrinking
Failure to elect a female leader is not a uniquely American problem
We are collecting your nominations for our upcoming Women of the Year special
Plus, preparing for market volatility and a final snapshot of the polls
Deep splits in the electorate have been exposed in a tumultuous race
The question of whether the US can stomach a woman as president remains open
Where female voters go, the result of the US presidential election follows
A surge in female labour force participation has emerged as a bright spot for the kingdom
Vice-president seeks to energise women voters as White House race against Donald Trump tightens
Currently the government only permits heterosexual, married women to undergo treatment
Men’s education deficit is increasingly becoming an employment, earnings and outcomes gap, with significant repercussions
Education is also key for women and girls struggling with lack of privacy, poor water supply and the high cost of menstrual pads
Women under-represented in Stem subjects at university and afterwards are quizzed about plans to start a family
As the US contemplates electing its first female president, Erica Wagner explores what the long fight for equality tells us about that choice
IOC defends decision to include two competitors barred by international federation after opponent abandons fight
Democrat’s polling strength has also been underpinned by jump in support among the young and voters of colour
Unthinking patriarchy still dominates great swaths of public life in the country
Rightwing commentators and politicians blame diversity and inclusion policies for alleged security failings
Twenty trans and non-binary people recount their experiences through the guise of the time-travelling protagonist
Living on the wrong side of the tenure track
Disparities contribute to income inequalities and influence who receives funding for invention, researchers say