London landlord has no major debts due before 2028 after securing £2bn of headroom in transactions this year
Plus, a French bank boosts its stake in takeover target Banco BPM and a fight over banking fees spills into court
US asset manager will join case over decision when UBS took over struggling rival
Union to raise objections over requirement that drivers be insured by panel of insurers selected by ride-hailing app
Banks sell bonds backed by revenues from chicken wings, music catalogues and oil wells
Airbus plane was one of several markers of wealth amassed by Hui Ka Yan during now-collapsed developer’s boom years
US billionaire’s late move could disrupt bid by media executive Dovid Efune
US companies ink more than $35bn in transactions as election sends jolt of enthusiasm through industry
Michael Wainwright accused of being ‘linchpin’ of scheme to bribe Angolan official
Deputy governor Ramsden says leverage and concentration in certain funds could lead to ‘system-wide risks’
Denial by chair of Canadian miner comes as veteran commodities banker claims he engineered $6bn deal but was not paid
Financial regulator finds suspicious stock market moves took place before 30% of takeover announcements
While Crédit Agricole’s move to bulk up suggests UniCredit has a tougher negotiation on its hands, there may be a silver lining too
World’s second-biggest asset manager will break advice business into separate unit
Bye-bye, buyout
Barington Capital and investment partner Thor urge measures to revive US department store chain’s flagging share price
Office for National Statistics data highlights property market pressures
Portuguese banking veteran to replace Shayne Elliott at Australian lender
Plus, an ‘anti-woke’ ETF, a private markets push and the V&A has a Naomi Campbell retrospective
While managers enjoy greater flexibility, investors are deterred by the lack of a clear remit
But businesses will be tempted to play down sustainability with an incoming president who vows to support fossil fuels
Many executives believe they are engaged in no less than a fight for survival
Active fund managers often claim the moral high ground, but investors are increasingly choosing passive rivals
Global assets have tripled since 2018 as many consider they show greater promise than more traditional mutual funds
Many blame poor information — but campaigners say this is too often used as an excuse for inaction