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  • Fiscal policy, taxation

Click to read the article and then answer the questions:

Number of people caught in 60% ‘tax trap’ up 45% in two years

  • Describe the personal allowance taper for those earning more than £100,000 a year

  • Explain how fiscal drag contributes to more individuals having part of their income taxed at 60%

  • Explain the disincentive effects that are associated with high marginal rates of tax

  • UK income tax thresholds might be described as ‘lumpy’, with a taper applied to the personal allowance for those earning more than £100,000 a year, and the taper to child benefit for those earning more than £60,000 a year. Evaluate the benefits that would accrue to the UK economy if such anomalies were corrected

Gavin Clarke, Emmanuel College

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