US manufacturing woes, having a good time at work and thinking strategically with or without numbers
A dramatised account of the tycoon’s acquisition and the rebrand as X attempts to get inside his head — but takes liberties
Her book ‘Right Kind of Wrong’ aims to reframe failure and promote intelligent risk taking
Management title ‘Right Kind of Wrong’ praised as ‘highly readable and relevant’
Richard Langlois reframes the economic, institutional and intellectual development of the managerial era
Two books on sensible risk-taking urge innovators to learn from ‘intelligent failures’
Learning from geeks, crowdsourcing knowledge and supporting the next generation
Human, subjective factors rather than data are the key to understanding many significant events, argues Morgan Housel
Andrew Hill selects his must-read titles
Lessons on thinking clearly and a critique of bottom line accounting
Judges of the £30,000 prize pick six titles that capture the biggest personalities and themes of corporate life
Guides to work satisfaction and dispatches from middle age
The dawn of a postgenerational society and the science of trust
Financier Ken Costa argues the millennials and Gen-Z generations are unsuited to managing capital because of their left-wing views
Chosen titles explore themes including AI breakthroughs and the rise and fall of billionaires
Global asset manager follows Goldman Sachs and McKinsey as it signs three-year partnership
Business leaders would do well to ditch conventional wisdom on cost-cutting and adopt Zeynep Ton’s manifesto instead
Joyce Moullakis and Chris Wright trace how a small Australian merchant bank became a global behemoth
The importance of paying attention without prejudices and how to outlast the competition
Moira O’Neill selects her best mid-year reads
Andrew Hill selects his best mid-year reads
The search for 2023’s ‘most compelling and enjoyable’ business title is under way
Charting the rise of the influencing industry and how experts could make better leaders
How the wunderkind behind shoe etailer Zappos set a goal of happiness rather than riches but ended his life in squalor and delusion
How to innovate without displacing industries and ways to supercharge your work life