Genetic code technique for preserving huge amounts of digital information could be ‘cheaper than hard drives’
How elite clubs are using the latest technology to help unearth the perfect player
Improvements to data infrastructure are needed if AI is to help fix the UK national health service
Landlords stand to gain from higher rents due to growing demand for storage space
Enhancing data collection and streamlining recruitment helps to build more creative and innovative teams
Move by Alex Gerko’s market maker bucks trend among financial firms to outsource to Big Tech
Ireland, Germany, Singapore and China are imposing rules on building new server farms over energy usage fears
Dozens of marketplaces have sprung up since a 2020 initiative but most transactions still happen on the black market
US space agency may enlist ‘citizen scientists’ in drive to find out more about unexplained anomalous phenomena
Greater focus on location of storage in Europe means more facilities are required, according to Japanese group
Machine learning works in the same way as human learning: repeating a process and making adjustments after mistakes, to gradually improve outcomes
Want to know the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning? Or the definition of God-like AI? Look it up here
Nursing facility operator Sompo is tapping technology to help solve staff shortages
Driven by fears of espionage and geopolitical tensions, experts say the infrastructure underpinning the internet is in danger of dividing into eastern and western blocks
Simon Winchester takes a lively, digressive look at how humans have ordered and passed on knowledge over time
What we have are innumerable different collections of information, each of them specific to a particular application
The COO’s goal at Canadian data provider Canalyst is to maintain its triple-digit growth
New systems let businesses record every touchpoint with consumers — but must add extra security
As medics strive to harness health information, Silicon Valley is stepping in with tools, though regulation is a concern
Products on Shanghai Data Exchange are not only limited but also have multiple restrictions
Information on global logistics has suddenly got a lot more valuable, but knowledge gaps remain
With the emergence of artificial intelligence, health data has become gold
Data from Finnish group Kone underline the growing power of unconventional data to reveal behavioural trends
A fresh batch of companies could recreate the success of Beijing’s first generation of listed tech giants
FT dashboard tracks responses to the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance