Now is not the time for nuance: decorate with gilded acorns, wild windswept glasses, and a centrepiece of seaweed and rock
Furniture with the region’s magical heritage travels beyond the mountains in style
From huge log baskets to hand-forged tools, there’s enormous aesthetic pleasure to be had in cosying up around the hearth
Turn off the overhead light and bring a warm glow to interiors
London’s Barbican masterpiece has wonderful detailing, but if all that concrete is too much, there are some inspiring ways to soften it
From big bold tableware to the brightest bedlinen — joyful ‘back to school’ fixes to banish the seasonal blues
From over-the-top frames that make a not very grand room feel special, to foxed surfaces that add character — and the wonders of wobbly glass
The country has interiors inspiration a-plenty, whether your taste runs to the poet’s eclecticism, Napoleonic extravagance or coastal classicism
Ask yourself what stories you want your home to tell — then let them run wild
Shun common or garden containers and embrace the rusty, ramshackle and radical for greenery with added interest
Bringing water into the garden needn’t be involved — or naff
‘I very much love the idea of contrasting a sea of glass and white walls with old furniture and a kaleidoscope of colour’
‘Without wanting to sound too evangelical, bath time really is a sacred moment in my day: I get a lot of good thinking done in the tub’
Hallways and stairs are easily overlooked, but even simple floor coverings can add colour and excitement
‘I felt tired of a particular dark, brooding portrait, and my mood lifted after I replaced it with a brighter still life’
There are a thousand ways to enjoy flowers and foliage all year round, from bulbs to fabrics to artworks and scent
‘I’ve started to think we need an upgrade — perhaps it will help entice me out of doors while the days are bleak’
Whether the pattern is classic or kaleidoscopic, it has the power to transform a room
The slick, the jolly and the zingy have a place in home decor even for those who favour the patina of age
Whether you like patterns, piping or blocks of colour, there are elegant alternatives to crisp white fabrics
‘I’d finish off with a majolica walking-stick stand fashioned to look like a tree trunk. I have my eye on one of these, don’t you know’
‘Garden buildings to me speak of frivolity and indulgence . . . transform your ex-workplace into an oasis of relaxation’
The places and objects that inspired our tastemaker columnist this year
‘I’m a more is more kind of a guy, particularly at this time of year, so why not throw caution to the wind and bring another tree home?’
Auctions or architectural salvage companies are good places to look for styles from humble timber to opulent marble