When the frequent flyer reached 1m airmiles he was treated to a song and a cake
Old school jazz is a ‘positive influence’ that lets the mind wonder
A peaceful glide through tree-lined streets and sleeping on planes
Rock and punk in the car on the way home relieve the day’s stress
Hip-hop and 1980s pop provide solid beats in the office
A cycle ride to the station and cross-country drives showcase England’s countryside
Even the busy New York subway allows a break from digging into emails
Rail travel offers time to enjoy French and English magazines
School run rolls through Silicon Valley’s meadow-like hills
A daily cycle and a dip in the Serpentine lake offer time to think
When travelling long haul, some aeroplane food is worth staying up for
London Tube ride is the perfect opportunity to research people’s media habits
Italy’s designer of everyday objects enjoys lake views and taking it slow
Frequent bike-to-train journeys call for gripping detective stories
Founder of CartuRacing drives one of his Ferraris each day to his Budapest office
Cruising to work is a breeze along the Californian coast while listening to podcasts
Journey offers free time to listen to the French cultural podcast series A voix nue
How a Rolls-Royce, an Austin-Healey and Wings relieve a brutal schedule
When not reading Douglas Hofstadter, the tech entrepreneur is playing bass
Detectives in crime fiction are my alter ego, says the head of the fair trade company
Tech entrepreneur listens to classical Indian music through Hindi streaming service
The hedge fund manager likes to take time to read after dinner
Town and country link with the train for uninterrupted work time
The founder of the low-cost network operator checks out movies and TV during flights
The founder of India’s leading solar energy group turns to philosophy to beat stress