French bond markets take a tumble, Russia threatens a hypersonic missile attack on Kyiv, and Ireland goes to the polls. Plus, Hong Kong’s crypto play.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Crime boss takes on Sinn Féin leader and Brussels veteran in Dublin election

Hong Kong plans crypto tax break for hedge funds and billionaire families

Vladimir Putin threatens to turn Kyiv targets ‘to dust’

French bond yields surpass Greece’s for first time as budget worries swirl

The FT News Briefing is produced by Mischa Frankl-Duval, Josh Gabert-Doyon, Lulu Smyth, Niamh Rowe, Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Ethan Plotkin, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help from, Breen Turner, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Monica Lopez. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music.

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