All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the connection, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. Who was the only US president born in the first decade of the 20th century?

  2. Which novel of 1719 — never out of print since — begins: “I was born in 1632, in the city of York”?

  3. Which debut single by Nelly Furtado was a top five British hit in 2000?

  4. At which factory in the East End of London did the matchgirls’ strike of 1888 take place?

  5. What’s the surname of the British political family whose members include the colonial secretary during the Boer War and a 1930s prime minister?

  6. What’s the surname of the American acting family whose members include the youngest ever winner of an acting Oscar — for the 1973 film Paper Moon — and male star of Love Story?

  7. Which layer of the Earth is named after a word for cloak?

  8. Which memorial in New York’s Central Park was opened on October 9 1985 by Mayor Ed Koch?

  9. Amman is the capital of which country?

  10. What first name is shared by the actresses Jones, Madeley and Wilson?

Click here for the answers

James Walton is co-host of “The Booker Prize Podcast”

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