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Investment Clinic

Is your investment portfolio on track to meet your financial goals? Perhaps you wonder whether you have enough to retire early, or worry about how the return of US president Donald Trump could weigh on your recent trades?

Now is your chance to sound out a panel of experts, as the Financial Times looks for investor guests of all ages to appear on the next season of our award-winning Money Clinic podcast.

We are looking to talk to readers who are experienced investors and are prepared — on a first names only basis — to talk about their investment journey and submit their personal portfolio for expert scrutiny.

Having provided a breakdown of their investments and the level of contributions they are making, presenter Claer Barrett will quiz guests about their goals, their risk appetite and other factors informing their strategy to date — plus their future outlook.

Maybe you are questioning whether it still makes sense to try and be a green investor, or have intentionally built a portfolio that is very concentrated in one area, such as US technology stocks, gold or even cryptocurrencies.

Investment columnists from the FT and the Investors’ Chronicle will be on hand to discuss any themes that arise, giving readers the chance to put questions to Stuart Kirk, who writes our regular Skin In The Game column about the ups and downs of his own portfolio. FT Money regulars Simon Edelsten, Moira O’Neill and Rosie Carr, Investors’ Chronicle editor, will also be joining to give their views.

None of the expert commentary should be regarded as investment advice; it is general information based on a snapshot of the reader’s circumstances.

“We are really excited to embark on the latest evolution of Money Clinic, and look forward to getting investor listeners behind the mic to tell us about their real-life experiences,” said Barrett.

“Managing your own money is something that more than 10mn DIY investors in the UK are doing on a daily basis, yet it is something that few of us talk about in our day-to-day lives. The podcast has built up a fantastic community of listeners who want to learn more about how others are approaching these challenges, and we look forward to making them part of the conversation on the show.”

If you would like to be a guest on the next season of Money Clinic, please send an email headed “Investment Clinic” to money@ft.com. In no more than 200 words, tell us about your investment history, your investment goals and any questions you have for the experts.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2024. All rights reserved.
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