All the answers here are linked in some way. Once you’ve spotted the connection, any you didn’t know the first time around should become easier.

  1. In the headline to his New York Times obituary, Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays was referred to as “the father of” . . . what?

  2. Who’s the only African American man currently serving on the US Supreme Court?

  3. What’s the full name of the youngest of the six main characters in the sitcom Friends?

  4. In which book series by Enid Blyton have the children originally called Dick and Fanny now been renamed Rick and Frannie?

  5. Which annual feature of UK life first took place between 21 May and 1 October 1916?

  6. Which Wilfred Owen poem is narrated by a soldier confronting in Hell the enemy soldier he’d killed the day before?

  7. Which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical is based on a 1910 novel by Gaston Leroux?

  8. Which girls’ name was popularised by a play of 1904 — and its 1911 novelisation — by JM Barrie?

  9. Which first name is shared by the jazz musicians Farmer, Pepper, Blakey and Tatum?

  10. A 1768 painting by Joseph Wright of Derby, now in the National Gallery, depicts “An Experiment on a Bird in the . . . ” what?

Click here for the answers

James Walton is co-host of “The Booker Prize Podcast”

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