December is here, and we’re here to help you sort your holiday shopping. Need to make a last-minute gift feel thoughtful? Searching for something for your dad? Want to give a cheap gift a glow-up? Hoping to also actually enjoy December? Lilah has invited two experts onto the show: HTSI’s deputy editor Louis Wise and FT Magazine’s Food & Drink editor Harriet Fitch Little, the brains behind the FT’s two annual holiday gift guides. Please enjoy our most chaotic episode to date.


As you know, the show is ending in early January – we’re still collecting your cultural questions. We have access to critics, reporters, artists and more – and Lilah is determined to find you the most interesting answers she can. What’s rolling around in your head? How can we help? Email her at or send her a message on Instagram @lilahrap.


Links (all FT links get you past the paywall):

– The FT Magazine’s gift guide, in price order, is here. We also love their advent calendar, with tips for every day of December

– HTSI’s holiday gift guide highlights: here is Louis’ Christmas buys for stylish guys (which includes the Prada jumprope), HTSI editor Jo Ellison’s guide for fashion lovers, Drinks columnist Alice Lascelles’ for booze lovers and Laila Gohar’s for party hosts

– The HTSI guide to black hoodies for men

– Harriet’s cheese interview (you cut the cheese in the shape of the cheese!)

– Vox’s article on buying the perfect gift is here

– Harriet is on Instagram @huffffle. Louis is @louisquinze

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