MPs will vote on assisted dying this week for the first time in almost a decade. There are ramifications for the NHS, questions over legal oversight, and ethical considerations that all feed into this highly emotive and personal issue. And if the bill passes this hurdle, what will happen next on its journey through parliament? Host Lucy Fisher is joined by Political Fix regulars George Parker and Stephen Bush, alongside the FT’s public policy correspondent Laura Hughes, to discuss the matter. The panel also examines Labour’s bid to get a grip on migration, plus the PM’s plans to reframe – or should that be reset? – his administration.

Follow Lucy on X: @LOS_Fisher, George @GeorgeWParker, Stephen @stephenkb and Laura @laura_k_hughes

Want more?

England’s palliative care ‘postcode lottery’ casts shadow over assisted dying debate

Judges’ role in assisted dying bill criticised as ‘rubber stamping

Assisted dying would be funded ‘at expense of’ NHS services, warns Streeting

Net migration to the UK hit record 900,000 in 2023

‘It has been bumpy’: Keir Starmer reckons with plunging approval ratings

Labour has a classic first act problem

Join Lucy Fisher, Peter Foster, Stephen Bush and Miranda Green for a Political Fix Live session on December 5, where they will assess Labour's record after five months in office as part of the FT's Global Boardroom online conference. The three-day event features high-level interviews on the big issues of the day and is being held on December 4-6. Register for your free pass at

Read the FT’s Best Politics Books of the Year 2024 list, curated by the FT’s chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman.

Sign up here for 30 free days of Stephen Bush's Inside Politics newsletter, winner of the World Association of News Publishers 2023 ‘Best Newsletter’ award.

Presented by Lucy Fisher. Produced by Clare Williamson with Lulu Smyth. The executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Audio mix and original music by Breen Turner. The FT’s head of audio is Cheryl Brumley.

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