Wall Street, tech and energy during Trump’s second term
Your guide to what the 2024 US election means for Washington and the world
Who will corporate America's winners and losers be under four more years of Donald Trump? This week, the FT’s Brooke Masters, Stephen Morris and Jamie Smyth explain what changes a second Trump administration will bring to three crucial sectors: Wall Street, tech and energy.
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For further reading:
Can the renewables boom withstand Trump?
A Wall Street giddy over Trump should remember history
Who’s who in the Musk ‘A-team’ vying to shape Trump 2.0
Trump 2.0: winners, losers and Elon
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On X, follow Brooke Masters (@brookeamasters), Stephen Morris (@sjhmorris), Jamie Smyth (@JamieSmythF) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07), or follow Michela on LinkedIn for updates about the show and more.